


Read our Global Benchmark Report 2023


Knowledge ignites action. That’s why we base our work in research. We conduct studies, develop tools and write
and present best practices that illustrates what business can do when challenged with safeguarding children’s rights.


Telia Company asked 7, 000 students across seven countries in the Nordics and Baltics about their experiences from studying from home. Despite challenges and substantial changes in habits that happened overnight, their overall experience has been largely positive. The survey gives insights into how digital schooling can be further developed in the future.

external publication



Telia Company

Digital ActionLab - The Advantage for Business to Engage with Children’s Rights

Children are increasingly becoming more valued, cherished and respected stakeholders in business communities. In their multiple roles such as for example consumers, family members, future leaders and co-workers, children are receiving the attention of high-profile sustainability professionals and executives that invest their time, money and considerable effort to carve out the best possible strategies to do business with children’s interests in mind. In this Action Lab we will hear from some of the champions in integrating children’s rights concerns from both supply chain perspectives, product development angles as well as those working with materiality, child participation and stakeholder participation. Why is it valuable, smart and interesting for companies to engage with children’s rights?


Family Friendly Policies and Other Workplace Practices in the Time of Context of Covid-19

This document builds on material developed by UNICEF EAPRO, UNICEF ESARO and the ILO. It is an interim guidance note, developed in a fast-evolving situation. It provides general recommendations that aim to help employers strengthen support for workers and their families.

external publication



International Labour Organization

Covid-19 and Child Labour: A time of crisis, a time to act

With the COVID-19 pandemic, we face the risk of reverting years of progress. We may see an increase in child labour for the first time in 20 years. This is why ILO and UNICEF decided to look into the ways the crisis is affecting child labour.

external publication



International Labour Organization

The effects of COVID-19 on young people

Of all the heartbreaking effects of COVID-19, its impact on young people could prove to be one of its most damaging legacies. In fact, the coronavirus crisis risks turning back the clock on years of progress made on children’s well-being and has put children’s rights under serious pressure across the globe. Linda Lodding, Head of Communications at Global Child Forum, takes a closer look at these pressure points.



While digital solutions provide significant opportunities for sustaining and promoting children’s rights, these same tools may also increase children’s exposure to online risks. This technical note from UNICEF and partners sets out some of the key priorities and recommendations on how to mitigate those risks and promote positive online experiences for children.





Save the Children: Global Response Plan to Covid-19

Unprecedented in scale, COVID-19 is a global crisis that poses immediate threats to children’s rights to survival, development, learning, protection, and to be heard. Unless mitigated, the pandemic risks undermining progress made on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and puts an entire generation of children at risk of not fulfilling their potential.

external publication



Save the Children International

ICC-UNICEF Guide to Family-Friendly Business Continuity

ICC – UNICEF guidance for businesses to safeguard the well-being of employees, their children and their families while responding to COVID-19. This guide, which is adapted from a UNICEF guide for business, includes measures that business leaders can take to achieve both short- and long-term positive impacts.

external publication



The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and UNICEF

Practical Guide for Business: How to Reduce the Impact of COVID-19 in ESAR

The worldwide coronavirus pandemic continues to spread exponentially, driving up the numbers of infected people to over 267,000 in more than 184 countries to date. COVID-19 confirmed cases are also rising in Eastern and Southern Africa and time is of the essence to take the right measures to contain and slow down its spread. Here are key actions you can take to team up against COVID-19.





Business Engagement Guide: How Business Can Help Reduce the Impact of COVID-19 on Children and Families

UNICEF is committed to continuing to deliver assistance to children across areas affected by COVID-19 and is working with governments and partners in business, civil society and other sectors to find solutions to ensure children continue to receive the assistance they urgently need. This guide serves to inform businesses on the different actions they can take and contributions they can make to help reduce the impact of COVID-19 on children and families.

external publication




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Global Child Forum is issuing an urgent call for business to create tangible initiatives and forge partnerships which advance children’s rights in your operations, supply chains and in the communities in which you operate. We want to create a movement – to deliver actionable initiatives that contribute to advancing children’s rights. 苹果手机全局伋理软件下载. 


What needs to be done to advance children’s rights?
Listen to some of the voices from Global Child Forums. Scroll right for more videos.

Global Child Forum at the Swedish Royal Palace, 2018

Lise Kingo at Global Child Forum, the Swedish Royal Palace 2018 #1

Fauza and Kesia, Indonesian Children’s Advisory Committee, Time to Talk! at Global Child Forum 2018

Natalie Au at Global Child Forum, the Swedish Royal Palace 2018

Side by Side, Global Child Forum 2018

小改装大升级!出门问问发布魔镜魔眼两款新品 - huanqiu.com:2021-11-22 · 【环球智能11月22日报道】今天下午,中国人工智能公司出门问问举行了一场主题为“智驾新境界”的新品发布会,在会上正式发布了问问魔镜Ticmirror和问问魔眼Ticeye两款智能车载新品,将AI思维产品正式落地车载市场。

Lise Kingo at Global Child Forum, the Swedish Royal Palace 2018 #2

South America: Investing in Every Child

Lise Kingo, CEO and Executive Director, UN Global Compact at Global Child Forum 2018

Global Child Forum on Southeast Asia

H.M. Queen Silvia of Sweden - Global Child Forum Partner Advisory Board Meeting 2016

Mike A. Parra, Chief Executive Officer, DHL Express Americas

4月19日软件更新[精华]-红豆社区:2021-4-20 · 标题: 4月19日软件更新[精华] (您是本帖第781个阅读者|本帖回复: 8)

This is the Global Child Forum

Albern Murty, Chief Executive Officer, Digi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd

东北网2021年02月24日新闻汇总:苹果前CEO操刀推出新手机 外形有点像iPod 2021-02-24 14:17 [608][东北网娱乐] 周星驰赚6亿 《美人鱼》票房duangduang上涨 2021-02-24 14:17 [609][东北网国内] 老太坐越野带一家子偷年货 行窃时穿黑貂戴金饰 2021-02-24 14:17 [610][东北网国内] 囧!

H.M. Queen Silvia - Global Child Forum 2015

Per Heggenes, CEO, IKEA Foundation - Interview at the Child Forum SEA 2016

2021年度北京市级行政机关和区政府绩效考评会议 - 千龙网· ...:2021年2月10日下午14:00在北京会议中心9号楼3层多功能厅召开2021年度市级行政机关和区政府绩效考评会议。

Rick Ramli, Partner and Managing Director, The Boston Consulting Group - Global Child Forum SEA 2016


北京市2021年度市级行政机关和区政府绩效考评会议 - 千龙网· ...:2月9日8:30至20:30,北京市将召开2021年度北京市级行政机关和区政府绩效考评会议。届时,北京市60个市级行政机关和16个区政府将进行述职,市领导、部分市人大伋表、市政协委员和社会各界伋表等240余人现场听取述职并打分评价。 千龙网(www.qianlong.com ...